I picked up this beast off of Craigslist. It was listed as "Shabby Sheek Buffet". Really. I mean, if you are going to sell something on Craig, please, PLEASE spell things correctly. I've seen every version of chic on Craigslist: sheek, cheek, chick, shiek. It drives me NUTS.
Anyway, here is how he came to me. He's massive.
The veneer had been pulled off both doors and there were huge divots out of the wood. My father in law sanded those down and filled in the larger holes. The middle section had a door at one point, but it was missing when it came to me. I turned this from "sheek" to distinguished.
I second guessed myself a lot when painting this one. Should I leave the drawers wood? Huge thank you to Kirsten from White Butterfly Furniture for putting up with all of my questions and texts. I'm really happy with how it turned out. He will be at Carver Junk Company this Saturday!
3 weeks ago