
Monday, May 30, 2011

"Special Deal" on a French Find

I found this beauty at Savers last week. I have only been there twice and had never bought furniture there...but when I saw this piece, I had to have it. I have resized and cropped this pic 4x and this is what I'm getting. Sorry!
It was priced at $24.99, which is more than I would've normally paid...but I loved it, so I was ready to buy. Since I'd never bought there before, I asked the guy in furniture if they would load it up for me. He said "Yep..if you'll pay cash, I'll give it to you for $20". Who was I to argue? He told me to meet him in the back and he'd load it up.

When I opened up the back of my SUV, he quietly said "You can just put the money in the back". And that's when I realized that I was ripping off Savers...unknowingly. This guy was pocketing the cash. I felt immediate guilt, but didn't feel safe saying anything at that point. So, I got a deal at the expense of Savers. Onto the reveal...

I sanded the top...the wood was in great condition! I painted the base a robin's egg's so pretty. A mistint gallon that I got at a garage sale (full...never opened!) for $2. I stained the top with Provencial from Minwax...which is a shade lighter than Dark Walnut. I liked it, but didn't love it, so I ended up doing the dark walnut over the provencial...and it worked great. I sprayed the hardware with ORB, put Minwax Wipe-On Poly on the top, and here you have it. She's my new favorite!



Linking here


Domestically Speaking


Transformation Thursday

Beyond The Picket FenceHookingupwithHoHA Little Knick Knack

The Shabby NestFurniture Feature FridaysChic on a Shoestring Decorating
Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special

UndertheTableandDreaming The DIY Show Off

Catch As Catch Can

Thrifting Jackpot

This morning it was raining again, and being a holiday, I assumed everything was closed. On a whim, I checked the Goodwill website and like a choir of angels singing, it said "Open Memorial, yellow, blue tags and furniture 50% off".

People, I was out the door faster than ever...with my 22 month in tow. I hit up 2 Goodwills and SCORED.

For a grand total of $20, I got all of this!


This was the vase before I sprayed it with semi-gloss white. I had to paint it right away...I have the patience of a gnat.

I could've bought several other pieces of furniture, but I was good today. And if you look on the left of the first 2 pictures, you'll get a sneak peek of the french table I'll show you tomorrow. I looourve it!


Linking here
southern hospitality

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Missing in Action

This house has been B-U-S-Y this week. I'm just sitting down to catch my breath! I've been painting a large, white armoire while having a sick kid. He's had a 104 fever for 3 days (thank you Roseola!) followed by a double ear infection. Round 2 of ear tubes is scheduled for July...thank goodness!

And then there's this:
My oldest graduated from preschool today *sob*

I sometimes let the projects that I want to finish for myself take a back seat to projects for others. In the last month, I've finished a few projects for myself...and that makes me happy!

Remember my grandpa's desk that I did here? Well, I finally had some nice enough weather to get out the spray paint. In my opinion, the only way to paint chairs is with a good ole' can of spray paint. In this case, Rustoleum Heirloom White.

I tried to find a different chair that would work....but the opening for the desk is so small, that this was the only one that worked. Here is a before of the chair. You'll have to imagine the seat cover because it was too hideous to show. Seriously. My mother, bless her heart, tried to cute up a room years ago and recovered it with an old pillow case that, at the time, may have looked nice. It burned my eyes to look at it and I wanted to save you all from that pain.

And the After

It now sits with the desk up in our "currently being redone" guestroom. I just ordered the duvet cover for that room and am SO excited for the reveal to come!

The last thing is the banner I made for our front door. I'm possibly the last DIYer in blogland to do this, but I love it anyway :)


That'll have to tide you over for now...I've got a super french table in the works! Stay tuned!


Linking up at these parties!
Furniture Feature Fridays
Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special
UndertheTableandDreamingCherished Treasures”= Photobucket