My husband always gets on my case about my "pile" on our kitchen island. It migrates around and always ends up in the same, cluttered space. Up until this desk, I haven't had a space for my pile...but I can't wait to clutter it up ;)
Linking to these parties

Oh what a pretty desk with a sweet history! This one is definitely a keeper Allison!
that looks beautiful, allison! i love it and how nice that it was your grandfathers!
and i bet your arms are so sinewy and lean from all that hand sanding!
Allison it's perfect with all the built in personal history. I can't believe you just bought a power sander! My mouse is my bff. All that handsanding gets my fingers numb so I can only imagine what shape your arms and hands are in. This will speed up your projects 10 fold. That dark walnut is so yummy, I want to eat it like dark chocolate.
I love how you refinished this piece. How nice to have a piece to remind you of your grandfather!
How wonderful that you get to keep it, and you've done such an amazing job on it. I love the dark top :)
Your desk looks awesome! I just posted about handed down furniture and how hard it is for me to paint it. I have a chest in our guest room that was in my dads family. I may have to bite the bullet and give it a new life :) Tks for the inspiration!
That is beautiful! And especially awesome because it's part of your family history, enjoy it!
Julie ~ paintedparlor.blogspot.com
Love the stained top! Great job!!
Your furniture is so beautiful! I've been wanting to redo some pieces but I have yet to try. I'm afraid it will look like something you see on the side of the road.
I'm definitly following you! Hopefully I will get inspired to take the plunge!
Hi Allison! What a special desk - the pieces with a history you know are the best. Love how it turned out!
I'm glad you were able to keep your g-pa's desk it turned out beautifully!!! I am really loving the stain/paint furniture pieces.
I love your style! The colors are fabulous...great work!
Thanks so much for linking to "20 Below Thursday"! :)
That turned out great! I have an old desk from my great-grandma that I have been thinking about refinishing. I love what you did.
Love the desk! I'm in search of something similar. I want to do the exact same thing:)
What a beautiful desk, it turned out great. Loved that you used the orbital sander as opposed to stripping.
The desk turned out beautifully! How wonderful to give it a second life!
That's absolutely one of the smartest and best-looking redos for that style desk I've seen. Really, great job. Wow. Now enjoy it. Jane F.
I love your desk! I have a similar desk that has been stained red. Your colors are exactly what I want to do with mine! I too dislike striping, but also I can't stand sanding as well. Maybe I can talk my husband in to doing it for me!
You've done it again! BEAUTIFUL. I love the dark stain, you can just barely see the wood grain showing through. I hope you will share this at my VIP party today... http://designergarden.blogspot.com/2011/04/vip-party-11.html
Love the dark stained top and shabby paint~ I am a sucker for that combination! Your desk is great- well done! Thanks for sharing at FNF! :)
What a pretty little desk! You did a beautiful job. I'm working on my first rehab and I am finding it challenging, to say the least! I'm sure the first is the hardest. (Right?!)
Gorgeous, how wonderful that you were able to keep this. Love the white bottom. I know you'll enjoy having this with you! Thanks for linking up with VIF! Debra
We just purchased a desk similar to this one on Craig's List for $15 and would love to paint it like this one. Found you at Miss Mustard Seed! Thanks so much for such a great idea!
It looks BEAUTIFUL! You did a wonderful job restoring your grandfather's desk! What a great memory to keep in your home! I am in love with my electric sander as well! In fact, when I realize I can't use it, I don't do the project! Lazy, that's me. :)
wow, what a transformation! i love what you did to it! my parents have a similar desk at their house...you're giving me ideas!
I have a desk that looks almost EXACTLY like that (the before version), and this is just about exactly the way I want to make it over ... I just can't seem to get the motivation to do it. You helped though! Thanks!
~Bec :-)
Wow that is gorgeous.. I know you love that a family piece turned out so lovely. I love the color.
so classic allison! love it!
I featured this today on my blog...congrats!! Come get a "featured" button :)
Wow, what a great job!
Wow. Great desk. Amazing colors. Is that the creamy white from SW? I'm really glad I found your blog on Chic on a Shoestring. I have three boys also!!!! Fun to read. I'm a new follower.
I love this transformation! Very beautiful!
That looks so nice! Great Job!
Saw you on Homemaker on a Dime blog party. Great color choices! I have a similar small desk that was my dads I've thought of redoing with those colors.
Love what you did with this desk :) Great paint choice!!
New follower from Creative Bloggers party hop! Looking foward to reading more! Hope you get a chance to stop by mine too :)
Awesome!!! I’m your newest follower from Creative Bloggers Hop. Please follow http://sweetcalifornialiving.blogspot.com/
Your desk turned out gorgeous! Really appreciate you sharing this great post with us at the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop.
This is fabulous! I have a chalk paint giveaway going on now you may want to enter.
I have a similar desk and was wondering what it would look like with the dark top and painted bottom! Now I know! Thanks for the pointers and great job, it's beautiful!
I love this! I have an old sewing machine table that looks much like your desk here. Only my table has 4 drawers an each side. It has been sitting in our shed for 2 yrs waiting for me to strip/sand it & repaint it, but I just haven't had the time. And now I'm pregnant. I had always envisioned painting it white with a little distressed look. I really like what you did with yours. I may do something very similar! Thanks for sharing!
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