
Friday, June 17, 2011

Union Jack Chair

First, thank you to everyone who left comments with their opinions on this chair I posted about yesterday. It helped me realize I didn't like any of the options enough to change it. One comment in particular pointed out something that I didn't even realize: there's a lot of caning and it needs a pillow on the back to break up the caning.

Jaime pointed this out to me and she was so right! So I decided to head to Home Goods this morning to look for a pillow to inspire me, and then I'd decide on fabric. Does Home Goods ever let me down? Nope!

I picked up this pillow and I already had the perfect, understated fabric to go with it. Best of all, whoever buys this chair, can use this pillow or completely change the decor by changing the pillow. Love it!


You might not love it, but you have to admit it's better than the fabric I had on it yesterday! Gaudy vs Glam...sometimes it's a fine line! ;)


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Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special

southern hospitality


  1. Allison you are lightening quick! And so on point with that Union Jack. Thanks for the nod above, really kind of you. It's perfect now and yes will sell easily (hopefully!) with the neutral fabric and changable pillow. Glad I could help, I love constructive criticism myself, it's truly what makes our projects better. Good luck with the sale this weekend.

  2. The fabric is perfect and great find with the pillow! :)

  3. Glad you added the pillow:) So you didn't use the red/white fabric - want to sell it? ;)

  4. Fabulous job once again! love the addition of the pillow!

  5. Cute! Looks so similar to my Union Jack pillow I recently painted!

  6. looks great and i love the pillow on it.. brings it all together

  7. Ok! I like this better! It's perfect for this chair!! This looks so cute!!!

  8. I love this chair much better.

  9. Great job on the chair! I have two very similar ones (that I've been trying to sew slip covers for...Yikes!), but they have a "built in" fabric back. I think your pillow looks great on it!

  10. That chair is gorgeous and the cushion is brilliant. I love everything!

    Best wishes for a lovely week,

  11. Cute! You should come see my union Jack chair!

  12. I like it. So was the Union Jack flag already a design on the fabric? I've looked for some and never seem to find it.

  13. I have a somewhat similar chair to this one! I'm so glad I found your blog...I am actually working on my chair tonight! Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for commenting! My heart goes pitter-patter!