Today was a gorgeous day, so I knocked these out with spray paint. I have SO much in my garage right now, that I need to take short cuts when I can.
The first one, I sprayed with gray primer. I liked the color as is, so I distressed it and white washed the top. Here she is!

For the other table, I had dreams of keeping the top natural because it had great wood, but it wasn't to be. The veneer was too thin and sanding it down would've killed it. So I went with glossy Winter Gray by Rustoleum.

And the pair together


Nice job on your thrifty tables. I had to leave a comment because my daughter's name is Allison and I'm in the middle of the Fifty Shades of Grey 2nd book. Thanks for sharing!
Robin Flies South
so pretty! i especially love the first one- the legs are awesome!
I LOVE the pinkish-red flowers against the gray. Those colors are some of my favorite. These are darling. :)
I really like both tables but love the first shown table. That table really speaks to me. Love the color you did it in also. Gray is sure a hit nowdays, so soft. Great job on both tables. Wish our thrift store or Goodwill would have things like that. Goodwill in Grand Junction is so ridiculously expensive, they ask new merchandise prices. What's up with that? I don't go there very often because of that. I want a bargain.
Had a little table similiar to second table shown but it got sent to the thrift store after our yard sale. Not my idea, was ticked off as I wanted to redo it. Blast and darn. Love your blog.
These turned out great! I love all shades of gray. It's one of my most used colors. And, I totally hear you on taking shortcuts to work through the "stash". :)
Found your blog via Domestically Speaking, and now following :) Love the grey paint, and the bright flowers against the table look great!
Love the gray on the tables :)another job well done.
oh my gosh i love them. :)
Great buys, and makeovers.
Hey Allison...saw that little gray table icon at MMS and look who it was. Love them both. Funny gray primer always looks like ya don't need to do much of anything else.
They turned out great!
Sweet little tables and more thrifty finds!
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