1. My Cloffice (closet office)
2. My Sanity Saver or
3. The project that improved my marriage
But Kitchen Command Center is much more
Now before anyone gets worried (mom), this marriage isn't in trouble. However, the piles of papers on our kitchen island were a stressor for everyone. I mean, you can only do the "shit shuffle" so many times before you just want to dump it in the trash, right? I will also share that prior to this space being created, I had ONE kitchen drawer for my stuff (papers, planners, etc) and my kids' papers, info. ONE kitchen drawer people! I could never find anything.
We started with this closet...and this picture was taken after taking the door off and after we had de-cluttered stuff a bit, but this space was not being used properly at all. It was a bifold door that was never closed, so always stuck out in the walkway. An eyesore and unnecessary, so it came off. And that got the wheels turning!
What you can't see in this picture is the small space inside the closet on the left side. It's 9" wide x 15" deep and I had high hopes of putting shelving in there...a shelf for each child and one for me! My Father in law was able to execute them perfectly! He is my go to for these types of things!
I plan on going through the steps and costs in a follow up blog entry, but here are pictures I took today. I think I still need a few things for the wall, but the storage is perfect and so is the space. My oldest (1st grade) loves doing his homework here!
Apologies on the awkward angles...my refrigerator sticks out so that getting a picture head on isn't possible.
A melamine board trimmed with moulding for the desk, a thrifted ($4.99 @ Goodwill...poppin tags!) chair, and a nightstand stolen from our guest room. Oh how I searched for something with the perfect dimensions...and this was already in my house!
Fantastic storage bins from Tuesday Morning...if you haven't been, you must go! And yes, I'm hiding that game from my children...have you heard the noise it makes? My ears are still bleeding.
Perfectly sized shelf for all of those papers that come home from school. Plus the top shelf for lunch box storage! Love!
As a reminder, here is the before (can you tell I love the improvement!).
I'll do a step by step and cost breakdown within the next week if people are interested.

Great Makeover ! Great space !
Gorgeous!! Love it.
It looks awesome Allison! So glad you were able to get your space fitted out :) Now I'm jealous - I am still doing the "shit-shuffle".
Great job! I would love to see a cost breakdown!
This is such a great idea! And so well-executed. I would love to see a cost breakdown
Looks great! The comment about your kids game made me laugh!! :)
Great use of space! Maybe you should have left a door so you could shut yourself in during noisy game moments....just a thought...
Great space redesign! I love seeing spaces like this created. It gives me great hope!!!
You clever girl! It's pretty and practical! What a great use of that space. I bet it makes you smile eveytime you walk into your kitchen!
Huge difference. What a great finished space for everyone to have space for their school stuff and home stuff.
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