Hi Folks!!
First things first, the good news. Kirsten, from White Butterfly Furniture, and I recently began sharing a booth at Carver Junk Company and we are having so much fun! Kirsten's blog was one of the first to inspire me when I started painting 2+ years ago, so I feel lucky that she recently moved to Minnesota. If you are in the are, Carver Junk Co is open the third weekend of each month...so stop by!
Second is a piece I finished several weeks ago, but just hadn't had the time to write about it. A petite coffee table that I picked up at the GW.
Cutie, huh? This one will be at Carver Junk Co. next month!
In other news, this has been a tough week. Back in January, I talked my husband into running the Boston Marathon with his sister for charity. How often does one have the chance to run THE premier marathon with a close family member? He chose Team in Training/Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in honor of my aunt. His sister, chose the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation as her husband's cousin suffers from CF. He put in the training during the brutal winter we've had. We planned a trip...the 2 of us and his parents to go to Boston in April.
His dad and I met saw them between mile 6-7 and then again at the top of Heartbreak Hill (mile 21) and he was doing great. We hopped in the car, planning to park in DT Boston in time to see him cross the finish. Due to traffic, we were delayed...I got a text that he had finished. He called and said he'd meet us where we were...2 blocks past the finish on Boylston. Wall to wall runners and family lined the streets, buses parked with runner's gear, me on my tip-toes watching for Mickey...when I saw, heard and felt bomb #1 went off.
The rest you've heard on the news. Mickey made it to us, we found his sister and we got out of the city. All ended well for us. For so many others, that was not the case. I felt slightly more at ease today after the suspect had been caught and I can only hope that the City of Boston will start to heal.
Before the Marathon

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