How's that for a B-O-Ring title? :) No before picture on this one....but it was dark brown with a decent, but outdated finish. I stripped the top and mixed my own chalk paint with Plaster of Paris. The ring pulls are from Amazon and the middle three knobs were on clearance at Pier 1 Imports...I didn't even know they sold hardware!
This one will be for sale at Carver Junk Company in February at their new location! Same awesome town, 1/2 block from their old location...but no steps and amazing natural lighting!! Stop in! ~Allison
Thank you for all of the comments about Zelo passing. It means a lot to me!! I picked up this solid pine desk at Goodwill last week and was able to flip it around pretty quick. The top was in good condition for pine. Pine is a softer wood and dings/scratched more easily. But that also adds to the character. I got this paint for free outside my local hardware recently. It was about 75% full and it's an awesome color gray. I kept the hardware on the upper drawers and added rope pulls to the bottom 4 drawers.
I have a large buffet/dresser coming up later this week when the new hardware arrives! ~Allison
This has been my longest blogging break in 4 years and it's been so good for me. Not only did I have a blogging break, but I haven't done much furniture since December 16th. That day, I left for the gym and then went to a hair appointment. At about 11:30, my husband texted me saying "Zelo is sick...she's acting funny". Zelo was our 10.5 year old yellow lab. Our first baby. Such a good dog. I came home and saw her and I knew she was pretty sick. I made a vet appointment for Mickey to take her to as I had a prior commitment at the kids' school. He texted me that an xray showed her spleen enlarged and that she had blood in her abdomen. Not good. They had us go to the emergency vet for an ultrasound, which confirmed hemangiosarcoma that had ruptured her spleen. She had been fine at 10am, and we had to put her down at 6:30pm. It was one of the hardest days of my life and happened so fast. Here is the last good picture of Zelo taken 3 weeks before she died:
Saying goodbye at the vet
And the wonderful paw print that the vet did after Z died. It sits on our mantle.
So enough sadness for one blog post! We still had Ruby the wonder dog....well, not really. Ruby is a sweet girl, but I liken her to a cat. She's affectionate only if you are petting her....otherwise she wants nothing to do with you. And I missed my velcro dog. So after MUCH thought, research and consideration, we brought home this girl after Christmas.
We got her from a vet who breeds 1-2x/year max and only breeds to produce a dog to show. She had kept 2 females (our preference) and couldn't decide which one to permanently keep. So we helped her decide. This is Millie and she's 14 weeks today. Huge paws and very sweet. We are all smitten with her. I miss Zelo a lot but every dog is different...Millie will have her own quirks. Ruby is still getting used to her...but given the age difference (Rue is almost 10), I expected that. Now on to furniture. I just finished this up today...a sweet white washed table or desk and a coordinating chair. This will be for sale at Carver Junk Company next week!