You'll have to trust me that she started out being plain and brown. Again, no before picture :(
I had a vision of using the light pink I'd gotten from my Valspar free sample. But the UPS dude that put it on my porch and didn't ring the doorbell (thus causing me to leave it there overnight), apparently didn't realize that if paint freezes, it doesn't thaw well. At.all.
Exhibit A:
No amount of stirring was going to help this paint.
But I still wanted I mixed some white and red and got a nice, light pink
Exhibit B:
Starting to look cute, no? Yeah...this sucker bled through everything. She was not to be pink.
Plan B was to do black because that's what I paint nearly everything that bleeds through lighter colors. So black she is. I failed miserably at measuring and cutting fabric for the three shelves...but from afar, she looks ok.
This was a labor of love right here...I had this piece in the back of my car to take BACK to GW to donate when I was halfway through painting it. But the little voice in my head said "You've wanted this darn bookshelf, now finish it!".
Please excuse the mongo pictures...I'm learning photobucket tonight and am out of patience :)
Linking up here

It turned out soooo cute! Love it~ your story was really funny, too! :)
hiya , its gorgeous and i love the paper you used, and dont sweat the edges no one but us will ever notice it (and thats only cause you pointed it out ) and we wont tell ....promise x tfs,
i think it is cute!
aw, it's cute and charming! and so full of character and story now!
Well in the end, it still turned out beautifully!
I found you thru Christina's Adventures and I'm your newest follower. I think it looks adorable, and for $5 who cares if the fabric is off a little? Just make sure to put tall books in front of the spots that bother you so you won't notice them!
It was all worth it in the end! Very pretty and unique. I found you through the Shabby Chic Cottage, and I'm following you now!
Come visit! (And I'm also having a giveaway!)
Hooray!! I bet you're glad you stuck with it. That fabric is lovely :)
The background fabric is beautiful, goes perfect with the painted shelves!
I love it! Love the fabric as well....I would love for you to link this up at my Simply Creations link party Friday :o)
My simple home life
boo to frozen paint...but I guess everything happens for a reason because your bookshelf is so cute!!! I love the pattern in the back too :)
Thanks so much for linking to "20 Below Thursday"! :)
I love it! I didn't even notice the fabric issues until you brought it up. What if you were to take some really wide black ribbon and frame each fabric section? That might solve your problem - if it bothers you. But, really, it looks great!
Love it, the black and fabric are perfect! Thanks so much to linking up to Beyond The Picket Fence.
I think it looks darling! And about the paint sample, the same thing happened to mine, I called my Lowe's and spoke with the manager, who had me come in and get a new sample for FREE! Whee :) You should try it.
I love the combo of black paint and that fabric. So cute! And nobody will even see those edges if you put something tall in front - I never would've noticed if you hadn't pointed it out. What a sweet project!
I found you through Friday Favorite, by the way.
Hey Allison! This is turned out so cute! I've been searching for a cute little bookshelf to do something similar for the kids play room. But the one perfect one I came across at the good will had a sold tag on it! Ugh. Please go share this at the party this week =)
I love this shelf. I think its perfect in black and the fabric on the back is awesome!
You are a girl after my own heart. Love this one too! (I'm saying that alot) Great idea for me with the material. What black did you use?
Soo cute! I'm having the best time reading your blog...just found it today. Do you know about BIN primer by Zinsser? It's the greatest stuff and will keep anything from bleeding though. It also sticks to any base, oils, latex and even slick things like paneling.
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