Friday, July 8, 2011

Initialed Chair

Happy Friday All!!

I noticed I can get a little wordy when I talk about furniture, so I'm going to keep this one short and sweet.

I grabbed this chair for $5 at a garage sale. She came complete with a broken arm (with wet wood glue...hmmm) and torn 70's upholstry. But she was sturdy and look at her back!

I can't find the before pic...or I didn't take one. Either way, if you follow me, you aren't surprised ;)

Here she is now...spray painted with semi-gloss black by Rustoleum, recovered in dropcloth and stenciled with a "B" for our last name. Of course, I had to tell that to my 5.5 year old...he thought it stood for "butt". "Because that's where you put your butt, Mom!" Haha!


I think this look would be great at a dining room table with all of the seats initialed.
Have a great weekend!


Partying Here
Designer Garden
Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special
SAS Interiors

”Photobucket” The DIY Show Off
UndertheTableandDreamingMaking Monday Marvelous Linky Partysouthern hospitality


Kim @ A Brush of Whimsy said...

Way cute! Love it!

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't have been able to resist that beautiful chair either. Lucky you!!! $5? Seriously? Deal of the century! You did a great job - looks wonderful :)

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Love the chair. Such a great find. The initial is beautiful too. Perfect by the fire. Hugs, Marty

Anonymous said...

LOL! My kids would have said the SAME thing!! Haha! Looks amazing :)


Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

Very classic! I love it!

Sarah, Three Boys said...

I love the idea of initials on each seat. Even if B does stand for butt:)

Cassie Bustamante said...

that looks fabulous, allison! the monogram is great, and the finish on the chair is sooo smooth and pretty!
sorry i have not emailed you back yet... we had a showing yesterday, one today, one tomorrow, and then dinner with friends both nights that ran late.... haven't been home much! no offers yet, but the sign went up weds and already have showings scheduled, so i am hopeful.

Unknown said...

That is so hilarious!! Kids say the greatest things.

gertie @ The Old Block House said...

Love the chair! Imagine if you'd put an 'H' on it, he might have been doing headstands!

driftwoodesign said...

Wet wood glue ... that's too funny. Great job on the revamp.
Kristy @ 4 the love of WOOD

foreverdecorating said...

This chair looks so good and stylish. Who wouldn't love the circle initial?

Liz said...

That is too cute! I guess it has to do with the circle... just the right shape for a landing pad. Love the chair - that would be a great idea to put everyone's initials on the seats. Maybe the B could also stand for "Birthday" and your celebrant could sit in it for the day? Just a thought... Thanks for sharing. Maybe someday I'll be as good at finding $5 chairs as you! ;7)

Patti @ Pandoras Box said...

This turned out so cute - very unique, and yes, I would love to see a whole set of these in a dining room!
Stop over for a last chance to enter a vintage linen giveaway!

Handy Man, Crafty Woman said...

ha ha about the "butt." :-) That's too funny. It looks great!

Allison Shops said...

The chair has great lines!
Dropping by from Met Monday.


Decor & Harmony said...

I should have known it was you before I clicked on it, you have done so many great restyles. I love the chair and yes b is for butt! Too cute. See you at the next party!

Pam - @diy Design Fanatic said...

Oh my gosh, I'm laughing so hard at the butt comment! Kids are so great!Your chair looks wonderful!

the cape on the corner said...

that looks fantastic! i love the matte paint and the simple initial! looks great, especially for 5 bucks!

Ivy and Elephants said...

Wow what a great find and a great project. The chair is perfect and it is in the perfect place.


Mariel@ said...

I love the detail in the chair!!! so pretty!

come link it to my woot woot wednesday party! said...

I am looking for a chair like this everywhere! It looks fabulous!!


Unknown said...

What a lovely project! Thanks for linking up. We liked this so much we are featuring it today. Votations also starts today. We would love for you to grab the featured button ^^) well, if you fancy so ^^)

Have a lovely weekend...


Stacey said...

Allison -
I love this chair!!! I am featuring it on my blog tomorrow - come by and grab a featured button!
Stacey of Embracing Change