I just hit up Random.org for the giveaway results! Does anyone know how to copy that little box and paste it into blogger? I tried to highlight it and got this...which is fine, but doesn't look quite as cool as having the whole box, ya know?
Min: 1
Max: 33
Result: 13
Cassie @ Primitive & Proper said... the tape!!!! i want to try that zigzag tape!!
March 30, 2011 5:57 PM
The winner is Cassie from Primitive and Proper!! I am so excited she won...mainly because I can't wait to see how she uses the cool painters tape. She has been an inspiration to me from the get go. I'm sure if you've been to my lil' old blog, you've been to hers...but in case you haven't, you must see the magic she works on furniture!! Visit her at Primitive & Proper!
Cassie, shoot me an email and I'll get that box of goodies out to you soon! ~Allison
3 weeks ago
yay!!!! i am sooo excited! thanks so much- i can't wait to try the tape!
I was wondering how to copy that little box, too! :) Yea for Cassie!
woot! gotta throw my ninja suit in the wash ; p
Just discovered your treasure of a blog!!:) Please tell me where I can find this zig zag painters tape(!!!) I'm designing my sisters nursery for her first baby and NEED this:) thank u!!
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