So this "art" was just an excuse so I could post my dilemma. We have this closet in our kitchen that I all but gutted yesterday (read: took all of the crap out of it and found new spots for things) and then my mind started spinning with ideas
I want to do a DIY built in desk/command center. Here's where I need your help...I need inspiration pictures, instructions...whatever you can send my way. What type of surface do I use? Wood? What kind? Brackets or legs? I have about 42" in length and 13" depth to work with. I can paint a piece of furniture, but cannot create something like this on my own. I know my father-in-law will help execute it once I have a plan. Because I cannot live much longer with this as my kitchen island (shield your eyes from the oak cabinets...thy will be dealt with some day):
Any and all thoughts are appreciated!!

Allison you must have esp. My friend posted this today on her blog:
Yes they're over the top but at least some inspiration. And go to Pinterest, you'll be there forever pinning ideas. Good luck!
Shelves first of all after you decide how to make your desk. Great place for little office. Could run shelves on both sides til your desk level or alternate shelves so as not to interfere with desk. If they're just little shelves can still use the storage space.
Will look forward to seeing what you do. Guess you'll be doing lots of pinterest looking and pinning.
I'd put 1 x 2's (or something similar) around the three sides and put a slab on top as your desk. That would allow for ample leg space when you are sitting there. You might be able to find a piece of marble to match your countertop.
Then for some great ideas, go to Pinterest and do a search of command centers.
Good luck, can't wait to see the finished product!
That will be neat. I had a desk in my other house in a large closet....great idea.
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