-low profile...easy to push/store under the table
-big enough yet small enough; I have boys ranging from 2.5-6.5, so tiny chairs wouldn't work, but neither would adult chairs
So off I went to Goodwill and happened upon these stools for $8/each. But they were adult size, so, much like the lego table, I had my father-in-law cut the legs down to be child size. Pretty ugly, no? Well, hold tight..that's about to change!

It was about this time that someone from Scotch contacted me about trying out a new painters tape they are selling. It's called Scotch Greener Masking tape...but here's the deal. It's not actually the color green. It's a more environmentally conscious tape!
Have you ever done a project with painters tape and while peeling it all off said "Holy crow...that's a lot of junk I'm throwing away for just one project"? I feel guilty every time I throw a bunch of tape away. But now you don't have to feel as guilty! Check out this from a recent press release about the new tape!
The new tapes are made with 56% renewable resources*, including paper backing made with 30% post consumer recycled content and adhesive made with natural, regenerating latex harvested from rubber trees. The tapes are manufactured using solvent-free and water-based processes. The tape core contains 87% post-consumer recycled fiber and the shipping cartons are made with 100% recycled fiber.
There are 2 different types of tape:
Scotch Greener Masking Tape for Performance Painting
Woodwork, wood cabinets, and trim
5-day removal
Medium-high adhesion
Scotch Greener Masking Tape for Basic Painting
Non-damageable vinyl, carpet, and wood
3-day removal
High adhesion
I used the medium-high adhesion for my project. And I even did an experiment for all of my readers! I used Scotch Blue Painters tape on one stool and the Scotch Greener Masking tape on the other...and performance of the Scotch Greener tape was as good, if not better than the Scotch Blue tape! Let's check out the results!
After sanding off the old varnish on the top, spraying with Rustoleum paint! **disclaimer** I let each boy pick out their own color...within reason

Crisp stripes from the Scotch Greener Tape!

And the stools in use with boy #2

So what do you think of the stools? Part of me still thinks they are ugly, but they are so perfect for kids seating because of the wide seat and solid base. I think I improved them if nothing else :)
Special thanks to Scotch for supplying me with this tape to try. If you'd like to help save the environment by using this tape, it can be found at home improvement stores!
**I was not paid to use this product, but was supplied with a sample to test**

Allison we both have Legos on the brain! Those stools are perfect to hold the kids buns and much improved with the stripes. What if you did an opposing color over the wood portions - yellow or red? - for total lego color matching?
Nice colors! I really like the colored stripes with the opposing wood grain...no offense to Jaime! Kind of a nod to where they came from. Those curvy stools are awesome though...even with a built in carrying handle (or venting~LOL! They are for boys, right!?)
I love 'em! I love the shape of the seat and that you had them cut down to size. Perfect!
I love the natural wood under the stripes! Totally boyish and adorable. :)
I love, love, love them! You rock! Those lines are nice and crisp. Love the wood grain too. (Your door is gorgeous too. btw) I have natural wood on the brain after stripping those spindles. LOLOLOL!!!!
those are adorable! love the mix of wood and paint- perfectly boyish!
Super duper cute! I love these great choice of color too.
What a great idea. That tape looks amazing. I am always trying to find a better tape for all my projects! Thanks for the info.
I think they are super cute and the shape is good for kiddos.
Those are just too cute!! Perfect for that table!
Just stopping back to say Hi and let you know I'm a new follower!! Thanks for visiting me!
Blessings, Lorraine
Never seen stools like that but I LOVE THEM and I like what you have done with them. You are now my newest blog to follow.
Oh my gosh these are toooo cute! Cute colors and cute design and perfect for a little boy's room! I love it!
Visiting from POWW
Rita :)
Very cute and they look comfy too!
The stools turned out great! I haven't seen any with that shape. Very cool.
I do not think they are ugly at ALL!!! I think they turned out so adorable. Love that you (your dad) cut them down!!
oops-I got that tape, but I didn't read that they were different.
I think these are super fun! Good work.
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